
  • Objectives

The aim of any good school should be to provide the best possible education to its students. Our primary aim is to develop in the students: qualities of integrity, honesty, trust, tolerance and compassion, to foster a scientific temper within the bonds of humanism, to help the students to become a meaningful part of their environment. The objective of the school is to assist the students to unfold their latent talents and help them to grow to the highest possible level in as many fields as possible for each individual. In addition to facilitating their physical, mental, spiritual, aesthetic and ethical growth ,the school invests them with an indomitable spirit. Our training here is geared to discover their infinite worth as they grow up. It will be our endeavour to instill in them the quality of self -worth and they will be motivated in life to do the right thing.With BDS International even the sky is not the limit for the students;we will provide them the arena from the bottom of the sea to the limitless sky.